The Director

Annie Deniel is a film director and editor. After earning two degrees in psychology and film studies, she began to edit a number
of independent documentary films.
In 2007, she moved into directing. Her work includes the documentaries I'm messed-up, produced by Les films du Balibari and several short works, including The Soldier's Journey, an experimental essay about the war in Algeria and Place de l'Élégance. In Steampunk Connection as in her earlier work, Annie explores again the intersections of History, community and identity.
The Collaborators
and Didier Graffet, Titus Timeless, Étienne Barillier, Frédéric Humbel- Anno 1900, Adam Smith-Grand Canadian Steampunk Exposition, Jardin Mécanique, Steampunker,
Professor Elemental, Majinx...
The Team
Marie Dietlin, Pierre-Frédéric Chénier, Annie Deniel
Annie Deniel
Mélanie Gauthier, Sandy Pinteus, Olivier Germain
Didier Graffet
Jardin Mécanique et Tambour
Les films du ricochet
Vidéographe, Montréal
Jade Wiseman, Karine Boulanger, Denis Vaillancourt